Consents were obtained for the wharf upgrade in August 2021 and the Construction compound was set up at Point Howard in January 2022. Work on Main Wharf (where ships berth) commenced in the first half of 2022. Construction work is ongoing and is due to be completed in 2025. Once the wharf upgrade is completed, the pipeline will be replaced in 2026.
Due to its age and damage suffered in the 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake, Seaview Wharf is undergoing a major upgrade and repair to ensure it is as resilient as possible, and to ensure it meets international standards for ship berthing and bulk fuel discharge. We’re also upgrading the wharf to make it:
- more resilient to events such as earthquakes and storms
- future fit for lower-carbon fuel such as biofuels
- able to support different types of ships.
What impact will Stage 2 have on the community?
As we did with stage one, every effort is being taken to ensure minimal disruption to the community. While land at Point Howard will be used for the construction compound, public access for walking and cycling through the site will be retained. Potential issues such as traffic safety, noise, lighting and impacts on the marine environment have been carefully considered and specific management plans prepared. These plans, which include public complaint procedures, are available on this website.
Stage 2 Resource Consents
The following resource consents have been approved by both the Hutt City Council (HCC) and the Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) for this project.
Greater Wellington Resource Consent Conditions WGN 210336
Hutt City Council Resource Consent Officers Report RM210127
Stage 2 Management Plans
Centreport Seaview Warf Renewal
Seaview Piling - Construction Noise Management Plan